The exposure visit for Smallholder Farmers was held on January 30, 2020 at Bangladesh Wheat and Maize Research Institute in Rajshahi, Bangladesh. A total of 43 female and 18 male farmers along with 15 staff of SAFBIN project were part of the visit that aimed at learn various drought and heat tolerant wheat varieties and its cultivation method.
The team members visited 21 wheat demonstration plots to learn more on zero tillage cultivation method, mulching in wheat field, bed planter method etc. There was presentation session held for the participants by Dr. Md. Ilias Hossain, Principle Scientific Officer and Head and Dr. Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Senior Scientific Officer on wheat field preparation, selection of variety, seeding time, organic cultivation method, irrigation management, intercultural operation and seed collection & preservation.
The visit has contributed in the capacity building of SHFC members on modern wheat varieties and seed management that will help them to adapt to climate change that is affecting them.