
Small-Farm resilience increased through multiple adoption of innovative Climate Adaptive Agriculture (SARE visit to SAGAR District)

Indian agriculture is extremely sensitive to climate change and its impact has been increasing over time. The Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGPs) in India, which is considered as its “breadbasket” providing food security and employment to several hundred millions of people, is extremely vulnerable to climate risks. Adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change is therefore vital for securing agricultural growth and poverty reduction for this region. Adaptation is not a new phenomenon per se in agriculture as agricultural systems have always been responding to improved technologies, better market opportunities and changing weather patterns. However, the nature and speed of adaptation vary considerably in different regions and among varied social groups. Understanding this process of local adaptation or innovation is extremely important for successful programmes and interventions that address climate risks.
Smallholder led integrated farming system (SHF led IFS) is one of the initiatives of SAFBIN to support smallholders (SHF) to diversify their farm to ensure adequate farm production and income.

On 14th & 15th of December, Mr. Pranab Chaudhury and Mr. Sunil Simon from South Asia Regional Enablers (SARE)  visited Bagrohi & Amarmau villages of SAFBIN program area of Sagar District.

Both were welcomed by the members of smallholder farmers collectives at the village resource centre. The whole Integrated Farming System was discussed with reference to the on-going trial design under smallholder led integrated farming which was discussed in detailed and appreciated by both the visitors.
During the meeting, Ramesh Bhalla & Prem Lal Patel, members of smallholder farmer collectives (SHFC) whom they interacted explained the whole trial design. They also shared how farm waste has helped them to reduce their input costs and external market dependency. Further to this, Sukh Lal Patel an active member of SHFC, who has diversified his small farm with more than 31 varieties of vegetables and fruits was highly appreciated by SARE delegates.
The second day was dedicated to discussion on the whole process of integrated farming system trial and the whole design of it. These events helped to bring farmers and the whole SAFBIN team on a common platform for better coordination in the future, which will ultimately help in reaping good results. The events also helped farmers to clarify their confusion on the treatments and the whole process of the IFS model.

The workshop was concluded with cross-learning of farmer’s experience on trial and sharing within the team. All the team members of SAFBIN from Mandla, Sagar and Vidisha district of Madhya Pradesh participated.