Awareness raising campaign on nutrition and hygiene was held at Karnohar High School under Paba sub-district of Rajshahi district, Bangladesh on March 20, 2019. Project staffs of SAFBIN, government officials of concern department, students and teachers of Karnohar High School, SHFC members were present in that campaign. A rally circumambulated the adjacent village of Karnohar High School with festoons, banners and slogans. A discussion session on nutrition and hygiene was held as well. Honorable Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Paba, Rajshahi discussed on nutrition and hygiene. He pointed out that for a healthy life it is crucial to be aware about nutrition and hygiene. Through that campaign the community people, teacher & students had learnt about nutrition and hygiene. The goal of SAFBIN is that small farm household members are aware of vital aspects of nutrition and basic hygiene practices and know how to ensure a quality and balanced diet. Moreover, consumption of locally available and produced seasonal nutritious food is promoted.