Maize Intercultural operation being done at Madhuban Urban Municipality, Bardiya
Smallholder farmers of Madhuban Urban Muncipality in Bardiya, Nepal are conducting research on their farms in order to devlop models that addresses different problem that are existing in their farming system such as low diversity in farming system, low connections between the farm components, low production and income and low resilient capacity .
In a series of consultaions at district level and validation workshops held in May and June last year (2019) that saw various stakeholder participate, our research farmers developed the following trial models that will address the issues identified: Maize (variety Arun-2), Mungbean (variety SML668) and Okra (variety Arka Amanika) at their field in this season. Earlier the research farmers used to grow not any crops in their field till the monsoon season. In this trial, the following treatments are selected because the of the short duration and yielding variety of maize as per the choice of the farmers and best alternatives prescribed from reseach partners. Moreover, another reason is easy availability of Mungbean/Okra seeds and short duration nature which can be harvested prior to paddy transplantaiton time. Mungbean and okra will also contribute to nutrition security as well because of its nutritios value. The control plots, which are the non-research farmers, are doing the usual farming of keeping the land fallow in this season followinng the cropping pattern of Rice-Wheat-Fallow. The research farmers will compare the results from the trial and control plots and come up with the best models that addresses both food and nutrition security along with climate resilience.
Ms. Gayanumaya Tharu is one of the small holder farmers of Madhuban UM-9, Bardiya. She along with other farmers of her village are busy in irrigation and earthing up for the Maize. The sowing date of maize was February 16th 2020. Till now 3 irrigation has been done to the field. As per the monitoring of field by the farmers, the infestation of stem borer has been observed by them in their field. It has been recommended to apply the mixture of organic pesticde Jhol Mol prepared from the mixture of following items in the interval if 8-10 days.
1. Cow urine+water- 10 l
2. Mixture of Neem(Azadirachta indica) +Bakaino (Melia azedarach) – 5 kg
3. Freash cow dung-1/2 kg
4. Other (if locally available medicinal plant)-2 kg
The mixture is left in a closed 20 litre capacity plastic drum for 8-10 days. The mixture is ready when the color of the mixture changes from dark to light. This mixture after being ready can be applied to crops as per need after diluting with water as per need and growth stage of plant. As per Ms Gyanumaya this amount of pesticides can be sprayed to 2 Kattha of maize field for 2-3 times. In a severe condition of infestation, the farmers will visit the Agriculture service provider such as Agrovet or Agricultural personnel.
Ms Gyanumaya along with other farmers are however, worried about the effect of pre-monsoon rain that could affect the research trial at this time.