Caritas Pakistan is promoting SAFBIN SHAKE (a kind of a Milk Shake): The nutritious drinks have been promoted in different government and private schools in villages of Sargodha & Khushab districts – especially for women and children. Nutrition focal persons from the health department oriented children and teachers about nutritional benefits of different nutritious drinks and practically demonstrated the making of these drinks. Water melon juice is a good source of vitamin C and A; Peanut milk is a good source of vitamin E, protein and fat; while 100 grams of sattu drink (barley seed) provides 20.6% protein, 7.2% fat and 65.2% carbohydrates. The SAFBIN shakes promoted by the VRPs together with Nutrition Focal Persons of the government department are the Sattu drinks made from barley seeds, water melon juice, Peanut milk, citrus juice and Tamarind and prune drink. And looking at the children proved; it´s not only healthy – but also tasty!